Healthcare Business Awards: Awards of Entrepreneurship in Healthcare
Healthcare Business Awards 2016, took place on Tuesday 13th of September at Divani Apollo Palace & Thalasso. The awards are organized by Health Daily and Boussias Communications.
More than 3.000 people watched the award ceremony that rewarded entrepreneurial excellence, innovation, developmental initiatives and best practices by companies and organizations in the Health sector.
Government was represented by the Deputy Minister of Industry Theodora Tzakri and by the Deputy Secretary of Primary Health Care, Stamatis Vardaros.
In the context of the ceremony, awards were given to pharmaceutical companies, Medical Equipment Enterprises, Hospitals – Private clinics – Diagnostic centers and Patients Associations.
Also, they were given to Medical Associations – Scientific Medical companies, Universities – Research centers – Education foundations, Non-Profit organizations, e-Health companies,
Start-ups in Health and national initiatives for Health.
The big participation of health companies in this new constitution, indicates the high quality and importance of the specific awards. The initiatives and projects that got recognized
through this institution are the perfect example of best practices in the e-Health sector in Greece.
Greetings were addressed by the president of the jury committee, Nikolaos Vettas, Professor of Economics at the Economics University of Athens and General Director of IOBE.
In his speech, he pointed out that we need extrovert and innovative entrepreneurship, especially taking into account the financial situation of our country after 8 consecutive years of recession.
He also highlighted that innovative entrepreneurship must be awarded in our country, so that innovation may become a directional goal for everyone.
The Deputy Minister of Industry Theodora Tzakri stated that “the state indicates a steady commitment to health entrepreneurship in the sensitive area of Health and medicine.
Recent initiative of the Prime Minister is the fixation of an intermenstrual committee for the development of the Greek pharmaceutical industry.
The ministry supports us in the collaboration of the private and public sector with only goal the growth of our country and economy”.
The Deputy Secretary of Primary Health Care, Stamatis Vardaros while rewarding patients’ associations, pointed out the need for support and strengthening of all the patients’
associations of the country, which is a top priority for the current government, especially due to the tough financial circumstances.
The Head of Sector Health of ND Christos Kellas pointed out that “it is very important that the companies, through their social actions, return to the society the trust that citizens have showed them”.
The awards were rewarded to the winners by:
Theodora Tzakri, Deputy Minister of Industry
Nikos Vettas, Professor of Economics at the Economics University of Athens and General Director of IOBE
Paschalis Apostolidis, President of the Association of Pharmaceutical companies of Greece (ΣΦΕΕ)
Stamatis Vardaros, Deputy Secretary of Primary Health Care
Haseeb Ahmas, President of the AMCHAM Pharmaceutical Committee, Metropolitan Mesogais & Lavreotikis Nikolaos
Michalis Vlastarakos, President, Panhellenic Medical Association
Christos Kellas, Head of Sector Health of Nea Dimokratia
Grigoris Sarafianos, President, Panhelleniv Union of Private Clinics
George Vougioukas, President Panhellenic Association of Medical DiagnosticCenters
Ioannis Ifantopoulos, Professor, Principal of master’s program of Health Finance EKPA
Kostas Varsamos, GET2WORK
Nikos Faldamis President Hellenic Professional Informatics Societies (Hepis)
Eleftherios Thiraios, Deputy Secretary Medical company of Athens and
Pavlos Arnaoutis, Medical Entrepreneur Assocation President and Biotechnology products.
Honor awards were rewarded to:
Dimitris Pyrros, Coordination Director of Medical Services of Centre Agency of EKAB,
Yiannis Theodorakis, Member of the board of the Panhellenic federation of people with Multiple Sclerosis, Stavros Demos, Founder and president of DEMO ABEE,
Thaleia Tsalachina, Gynecologist-Oncologist, Fellow of Royal College Obstetricians – Gynecologists of Great Britain, fir their great contribution I the sector of Health.
Sponsor of the ceremony was GET2WORK company and supporting companies were ΒΙΑΝΕΞ SA, Janseen and White Space.
For more information related to the awards, the winners and photos of the award ceremony you can click here http://www.healthcareawards.gr/.