With great pleasure we inform you that we participate as sponsors in the Conference organized by Health Daily and Boussias Communications, titled “Pricing & Reimbursement” which will take place on 30th of June 2016 in the DivaniCaravel Hotel in Athens. It is about a top meeting of institutional bodies and distinguished Greek and international speakers, with the active participation of the National Medicines Organization, having as a motive the current developments in the pricing system and new medicine prices. The conference, which will focus on the pricing and reimbursement of medicine and technological medical equipment in Greece, is divided into three main unities:
- In the first section, data from abroad and some of the best practices of other countries for the pricing & reimbursement system will be presented, with the participation of international speakers.
- In the second section, the basic problems faced by the Greek market regarding pricing & reimbursement will be analyzed, for which representatives from pharmaceutical companies and health authorities have been called to express their views.
- In the third section, the current issue of negotiation and reimbursement will be discussed aiming at cost-benefit improvement.
The company believes its presence, at conference where important issues of Health Sector are analyzed, to be extremely important in order to be able to contribute to your information and to adopt better practices & tools, aiming to the constant improvement of our services. As sponsors of the conference, we will be there and we will be very glad to talk with you about the current developments & about our experience in computer science projects in the area of e-Health and m-Health.